Martial Arts in Reading
MisterWhat has found 29 results for Martial Arts in Reading. Find phone numbers, addresses, maps, postcodes, website, contact details and other useful information.
Berkshire Tai Chi
St. Nicolas Church Hall, Sutcliffe Avenue, Earley
Reading RG6 7JN
St. Nicolas Church Hall, Sutcliffe Avenue, Earley
Reading RG6 7JN
Calcot & Theale Tai Chi
Theale Village Hall, Englefield Road
Theale, Reading RG7 5AS
Theale Village Hall, Englefield Road
Theale, Reading RG7 5AS
Berkshire Tai Chi
Warbler Drive
Reading RG6 4HB
Warbler Drive
Reading RG6 4HB
Berkshire Tai Chi (West Berkshire)
Memorial Hall, Glebe Road, Purley-on-Thames
Reading RG8 8DP
Memorial Hall, Glebe Road, Purley-on-Thames
Reading RG8 8DP
Reading Tae Kwon Do Academy
Radstock school, Radstock Lane
Lower Earley, Reading RG6 5UZ
Radstock school, Radstock Lane
Lower Earley, Reading RG6 5UZ
Bujinkan Ninjutsu Reading Dojo
Duffield Rd
Woodley, Reading RG5 4RW
Duffield Rd
Woodley, Reading RG5 4RW
Bytomic Family Tae Kwon Do
Loddon Valley Leisure Centre, Rushey Way
Lower Earley, Reading RG6 4GD
Loddon Valley Leisure Centre, Rushey Way
Lower Earley, Reading RG6 4GD
Bytomic Tae kwon Do
Maiden Erlegh School, Silverdale Road
Earley, Reading RG6 7HS
Maiden Erlegh School, Silverdale Road
Earley, Reading RG6 7HS
Bytomic Tae kwon Do
Kendrick Girls School, London Road
Reading RG1 5BN
Kendrick Girls School, London Road
Reading RG1 5BN
FWC Kung Fu
Within Reading YMCA, 34, Parkside Road
Reading RG30 2DD
Within Reading YMCA, 34, Parkside Road
Reading RG30 2DD
H E D T K D Self Defence Tae Kwon Do
Bulmershe High School, Chequers Way
Woodley, Reading RG5 3EL
Bulmershe High School, Chequers Way
Woodley, Reading RG5 3EL
Iinkai Judo and Self Defence
15, Stanbury Gate
Spencers Wood, Reading RG7 1SR
15, Stanbury Gate
Spencers Wood, Reading RG7 1SR
KickFit Martial Arts Schools
venue: Prospect College, Cockney Hill
Tilehurst, Reading RG30 4EX
venue: Prospect College, Cockney Hill
Tilehurst, Reading RG30 4EX
Kik Sports
27, Harris Arcade, Friar St
Reading RG1 1DN
27, Harris Arcade, Friar St
Reading RG1 1DN
Nemesis Martial Arts
Loddon Valley Leisure Centre, Chalfont Way
Earley, Reading RG6 5HQ
Loddon Valley Leisure Centre, Chalfont Way
Earley, Reading RG6 5HQ
Nemesis Martial Arts
Walford Hall, Carey Street
Reading RG1 7JS
Walford Hall, Carey Street
Reading RG1 7JS
Reading WTF Taekwondo
within Kendrick School, London Rd
Reading RG1 5BN
within Kendrick School, London Rd
Reading RG1 5BN
Taekwon-Do and Korean Kickboxing
Rivermead Leisure Complex, Richfield Avenue
Reading RG1 8EQ
Rivermead Leisure Complex, Richfield Avenue
Reading RG1 8EQ
Woodley Karate Club
Bulmershe Leisure Centre, Woodlands Avenue
Woodley, Reading RG5 3EU
Bulmershe Leisure Centre, Woodlands Avenue
Woodley, Reading RG5 3EU
Cage Combat Fitness
29, Wallace Close
Woodley, Reading RG5 3HW
29, Wallace Close
Woodley, Reading RG5 3HW